Home Improvement Tips
Tip #1
Updated homes frequently sell faster. The renovation of dark or dated kitchens is one of the most profitable home improvements you can make.
Updated homes frequently sell faster. The renovation of dark or dated kitchens is one of the most profitable home improvements you can make.
Tip #2
Time to refinance your mortgage? If interest rates are lower now than when you closed on your current mortgage, you may be able to save money by refinancing.
Updating an old bathroom is one of the most profitable home improvements you can make.
Adding casual living areas like a den or family room is smart home improvement.
Tip #5
Thinking of updating your home with one of these home improvements and wondering how long they generally last?
- New chimney: 100 years or more
- Asphalt shingles: 15 to 30 years
- A wooden deck: 15 years
- Ceramic tile or terrazzo: 100 years or more
- Vinyl flooring: 20 to 30 years
- Oak or pine floors: 100 years
Tip #6
Planning to buy new appliances? Here's how long they generally last.
Planning to buy new appliances? Here's how long they generally last.
- Refrigerators: up to 20 years
- Microwave: 10 years or more
- Stove: 15 years or more
- Washer and dryer: about 13 years
Tip #7
Adding a second bath to a house can be a significantly profitable home improvement.
Adding a second bath to a house can be a significantly profitable home improvement.
Tip #8
it’s true: sometimes you have to spend money to save money. Buying a new refrigerator can save you money on electricity. Insulating an attic can save on heating and air-conditioning bills. The improvements you make not only save you money now but may also increase the value of your home.
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